Bearing Witness: The UCC in Palestine and Washington, DC
Thursday, March 21, 1 pm ET
The Stones Cry Out Delegation with Daoud Nassar at the Tent of Nations
The United Church of Christ showed up and turned out for the Stones Cry Out Delegation. Four UCC’ers traveled on the delegation to Palestine, along with 19 other church leaders and activists representing, in total, twelve Christian denominations. Delegates met with Jewish, Christian, and Muslim peacemakers, human rights activists, and practitioners of non-violence in Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Ramallah, and Hebron. Then three more members of the UCC joined these four on their return to Washington, DC, there to advocate, bear witness, and provide legislators first-hand accounts of what delegates had heard and learned.
Interested in hearing their first-hand accounts? Plan to join the March 21 webinar, hosted by the Indiana Center for Middle East Peace and co-sponsored by UCC PIN. ICMEP’s executive director Dr. Michael Spath, leader of the Stones Cry Out Delegation, will moderate a conversation with four of the delegation’s UCC participants: the Rev. Diane Dulin (UCC-PIN, FOSNA), Sarah Klockowski (Ministry associate), Stephanie Gilstrom (Rachel Corrie Foundation), and the Rev. Sara Ofner-Seals (UCC-PIN).
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