The town of Bethlehem does not “stilly . . .lie” certainly not today, not for the more than 50 years of Israel’s occupation, nor in the time of Jesus. Kelley Nikondeha’s book The First Advent in Palestine introduces readers of Matthew and Luke’s advent narratives to the Palestine of Jesus’ day, a context of resistance, abusive rulers, and an oppressive empire. The resonance with today’s reality of oppression and occupation makes this book study particularly timely and necessary.
Leaders for the study and conversation are the Rev. Loren McGrail, interim pastor, Holmdel Community United Church of Christ and former Global Ministries mission co-worker in Israel and Palestine, and the Rev. Gail Doering, transitional executive leader, Presbytery of Southern Kansas PCUSA.
The study will be on Zoom, for five successive Wednesday evenings, 7:30 – 9 pm, ET, beginning November 29.
To register, email Holmdel Community UCC at Once registered, you will receive the Zoom link.