Effectively ignoring the mandates of the ICJ’s advisory opinion not to “render aid or assistance in maintaining [Israel’s] illegal occupation,” the Biden-Harris Administration announced this week the approval of $20 billion in weapons sales to Israel, including F-15 fighter jets, missiles, and tank munitions.
As the 3rd Thursday Action Alert asserts, “U.S. legislators must withhold U.S. aid to pressure Israel to adhere to international norms and law — and a genuine commitment to pursue peace as devotedly as Netanyahu is now pursuing war. Palestinians, Israelis, Americans, and the world depend on U.S. legislators showing meaningful leadership on guardrails for military arms transfer.” Let your elected officials know how you feel about this. To email them, go here.
This is a section of the UCCPIN August 2024 E-Newsletter. To read the entire newsletter, follow this link.