Take Action: Flood President Biden
with Postcards demanding a Ceasefire
PCAP (Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace), FOSNA (Friends of Sabeel in North America) and Nonviolence International have designed a postcard for people to mail to President Biden urging him to demand that Israel and Hamas implement a ceasefire. Here is the design, front and back, with its message: Ceasefire Now, End the Violence!
PCAP has offered to mail postcards, at no charge, to all who would like to participate in this action. The goal is to inundate the White House. President Biden needs to hear from us. Interested in participating? Email Alex Awad from PCAP at alexbrendaawad@gmail.com. Send Alex your preferred mailing address and let him know how many postcards you would like. The minimum order for mailing is 7 cards; the maximum is 50.
If you would like to make a donation to PCAP to support this project and their work, you can do so online here or by mailing a check to: Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace PO Box 1333, Vienna, Virginia 22183.