At the Exhibition Hall Booth Synod attendees will find literature about the Apartheid-Free Congregations initiative and many other resources for congregational education and engagement --all in response to the 'Cry for Hope' from our Palestinian partners. Come find us at Booth #505!
Join our Workshop on “Becoming an Apartheid-Free Congregation”, on Saturday at 1:30 pm, in Room 125. The workshop will be co-sponsored with Global Ministries and led by Dov Baum, PhD., Director, American Friends Service Committee’s Economic Activism Program. Dov will offer steps and strategies to lead our congregations in the process of becoming apartheid-free churches!
Read full texts & learn more about our 2021, 2017, and 2015 UCC General Synod Resolutions of Witness relating to a just peace in Palestine and Israel.
Join the Apartheid Free movement and take the Apartheid Free pledge as an individual, a community, or a congregation.
Read the Kairos Palestine and Global Kairos for Justice 2022 Dossier on Israeli Apartheid: A Pressing Call to Churches Around the World.
In the immediate term, your contributions will help UCC PIN be visible at the upcoming General Synod 34, in two prominent ways. Both carry significant price tags: